Monday, July 21, 2008

Rockin' Rodger

Back in the middle of May, David and I went with my brother, Michael, and my mom to my dad's work's Annual City Picnic. This year's picnic not only featured great bar-b-que, but an ametuer, although very talented, live band - led by none other than my father. He used to be quite a heart throb in a band back in Africa in his day. Here's a little snippet of his debut performance with the band they called "CSI" - City Staff Infection! I know, I know...what a name!! Anyway, they were really good and everyone loved the music.

I really wanted to show this video right after we saw them, but this was part of the reason I fell so far behind in my blog posts. I didn't want to go out of order and I didn't want to add this post without the video. But the last time I tried to add a video it was a nightmare, so I just kept putting it off and I ended up nearly 3 months behind. But that is all in the past. I am posting it now and that's all that matters. I hope you enjoy my dad rockin' the oldies. I was so proud of him : )

Here are a couple of pictures of us enjoying the concert and picnic.

Slowly Catching Back Up

Before I changed this blog direction and template and actaully started adding post without pictures, I had fallen behind in several points of my journey over the past few months that I still do want to post about. But I am not going to feel pressured to having to post them all at once right now, so this is just a quick post to let you know that over this next uneventful week I will be slowly adding posts to catch up on the events I missed recounting.

The Goodbye Game

This past Friday night was our best friend's, Marty and Amanda's last night in Greensboro. As a last fun thing for several of us to do together with them, we went to the local baseball game. The next day they would be at their new home in the far-away state of Michigan, where Marty is from. Since it was also going to be the last time for a while that Amanda would see her parents (who live in Virginia), they also came in for the game. There they are behind baby, Trey.

It was a beautiful night for a baseball game. I got there about 20 mins after it started and the score was 4 to 0, with our team winning. It wasn't a very exciting game since the score never changed from the time I got there till it was over, but we did have a great time getting to hang out with our friends. Here is the gang sitting on the lawn in the outfield. This is about the best picture I could get of David and Marty, as they refused to "pose" for a picture. Oh well, I'll just have to make sure and get a really good one of them when they come to visit.
Here's all us girls saying bye to Amanda.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Batman Blessing in Disguise

Yesterday David I were in Charlotte. Part of the reason we went all the way there was to see the new Batman movie on Imax. David had never been to any Imax movie, and when he found out that Batman was playing on the Imax in Charlotte, he bought tickets online and we drove the hour and half to the Discovery Place to experience Batman on Imax.
Some of David's friends had advised him to get there early to make sure we had seats in the back row, as those are actually the best seats in the house for Imax. So we arrived just after 11am for a 12pm movie and got in line at the Will Call window. We noticed all the other people at Will Call had printed confirmations with them, but David said that when he bought the tickets it didn't say to print it, but just to show up at Will Call. Once we got up to the window we were sure that all we would have to do was give them our name and they would give us our tickets. Well, that's the way it should have worked. However, after searching their computer system multiple times, they told us that they could not find our name anywhere on the list. So they got another lady to try looking us up a different way. But again, to no avail.
David was doing a very good job at keeping his cool, but I could tell he was getting rather upset. He proceeded to tell them that he had already been billed for the tickets, so they either needed to give him the tickets or give him a refund. Finally, they got another different guy to look up the credit card number this time to see if it matched any transaction. We thought for sure that this would work. But alas, no matches.
We were both starting to get a little perturbed at this point. We had just driven all the way to Charlotte to come to this movie and they couldn't let us in. We tried a different approach. If they could just let us use the Internet we could print the confirmation email or even a bank statement showing the transaction. They just responded that they did not have email access in the building at all, but if we wanted to go across the street, there is a library where can use the Internet.
By now it was nearly quarter till the time the movie was to start and David was saying that at this point he didn't even want to go. The line to get into the theater was wrapping around the building and there was no way we would get good seats now. But I had bottled up my anger with the situation for so long while we stood at the counter, that I just had to let it out. I burst through the front doors and just started walking off the frustration. While we were at the ticket counter, I had said a quick prayer that God would just let all this work out, but at this point it didn't seem like anything was going to happen.
Well, as I was walking off my frustration, I walked right into the library, so I figured we might as well use the Internet to print off the confirmation or statement or something so we could at least prove the transaction and get a refund. A very sweet and helpful girl working in the library let us use a computer station after hearing our story and even paid 10 cents for the print out of the confirmation since neither of us came prepared with even a penny on us - and they don't take cards at the library, of course.
With the confirmation in hand we practically ran back to the ticket counter and got the man's attention who had tried to find our credit card number earlier. David handed him the confirmation. But when he looked up the number, he said that it came up with different name, Michelle Bryant. What?!? Their system had messed up the confirmation, and it was their fault not ours that we had just gone through this whole fiasco. David explained that we had purposely gotten here early so that we could get a good seat, and by the looks of the line, we are not going to now, so we would just like a refund. The man behind the counter was very nice and assured us that if we still wanted to see the movie today, he would not only give us tickets, but take us up the back way to the top of the theater and make sure we had good seats. We agreed as long as we really could get the seats we had gotten their early to get.
First he tried to take us up the elevator, but every time he pushed the button, it never moved. Now this is just getting funny how many things are going wrong. But at least we weren't stuck. We just had to run the stairs to get up there. We finally made it into the theater, and there on the very back row, two seats from the right side, were two empty seats that just seemed to be waiting for us - the best seats in the house! AMAZING! God really did answer our prayers and not only got us into the movie so we didn't have a wasted trip, but got us the best seats in the theater. It was truly a blessing in disguise and a little test of patience as well :)
By the way, the movie was excellent. It was really cool seeing it in Imax, but some of the action scenes seemed too close and hard to follow sometimes. I do think Imax is best for nature themed movies instead of action movies. However, the coolest part of the Batman movie in Imax was feeling like you were flying with him over Gotham city. Overall it was a good experience in the end and we will definitely go back to see something else in Imax someday - only this time we will carry a printed confirmation with us. :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Saved by the "Flat Tire" Rule

I just learned about a new thing today called the "Flat Tire" rule.
David is supposed to go to NY for business today. He is going to stay overnight and come back tomorrow around lunchtime. Well, his flight was out of a city a little over an hour away, and he had to leave by 4am to get to the airport on time. We were both up late. He was out meeting with some of his business partners, and I was at home catching up on Facebook and being a domestic goddess :) doing laundry, dishes etc. - getting ready for us to go to the beach - YAY!
Anyway, he was just going to take a nap for a few hours before he had to leave. I thought for sure I'd wake up when his alarm went off and say bye to him when he left, but I never heard the alarm, and apparently neither did he (or it just didn't go off - not sure what happened). I woke up a little before 7am and rolled over remembering that I would have the whole bed to myself this morning. But when I started to stretch my legs over to his side, I kicked him. What?!? He's not suppsosed to be here now! I said, "David! You never left!!" He got up so quickly and started calling the airline becuase there was no way he could make the flight - it was leaving in 5 minutes in a completely different city. The airline told him he would have to buy a new ticket and pay a change fee plus the difference in the cost of the tickets. I knew that there had to be another way. So I stayed in bed praying that God would make a way, and he came back in to tell me that he was just going to go there and try to fly standby. I told him that was the best idea and that I knew it would all work out.
Anyway, a few hours later I got a text from him saying he was saved by the "flat tire" rule. I misunderstood and thought he had gotten a flat tire too! OH NO! But thank goodness he hadn't. He said he would explain later, but instead I did some research online and found out that the "flat tire" rule is an unofficial rule that has been used by airlines for a long time. Many airlines are trying to get rid of that rule that says they will put you on the next available flight at no extra charge if you miss your flight due to circumstances out of your control, such as a flat tire. However, since the rule is unofficial, it is mostly up to the discretion of the airline ticket person (that's the technical term :)
So because we have God's favor, he received the mercy of the ticket person and was saved by the "flat tire" rule.
Right now he is already in Philly and should be leaving in a couple of hours for NY. So it all worked out very well in the end - I knew it would.