It started out with a "You're a Star" banquet where we dressed up and walked down the red carpet to our tables for a delicious meal. I'm not going to go into all the details of the night, but it was so much fun to dress up and get together with my girlfriends for a special ladies night out. Here are some pictures of us all dressed up.
Here I was being a little silly, posing with the carnation we received as we arrived behind my ear. It looks a little funny there, but you can get a good idea of my whole outfit in this picture.

The next morning I arrived to the hotel bright and early to meet my good friend, Amanda from Michigan, for breakfast before the first session of the conference. It was great to have the time to catch up with her since I hadn't seen her in a few months.
After the morning session we had a special luncheon and a talent show. A few other ladies and I actually had an "act" in the show as well. One of our friends, Shannon, is a really good clogger, so she had choreographed a hip hop dance routine for us to be "back up" dancers while she clogged. It was so much fun to learn the routine and get out there and dance together for the talent show. I know we weren't the greatest "act" in the show, but we did a good job and had lots of fun.
We took a couple hour break to just rest and hang out before the evening session, then had a power packed rest of the conference. A bunch of us ladies then got into comfy clothes and ordered pizza and hung out late into the night. I didn't get home til nearly 2am! But I got to sleep in the next day til nearly 2 in the afternoon! So it was definitely worth it and so much fun!
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