I will have to start this post off with a big apology to those who were eagerly awaiting a thorough recount of our recent trip. Over the past month I have had many different post ideas rolling around in my head, and it has just seemed like a daunting task to sort through pictures again to add to the posts. Plus it just seems like ever since we got back, we have just hit the ground running and we have literally had so much going on that when we did have a little down time, I just couldn't justify using it to blog, as there were so many other things that needed my attention too. And since we only have 1 computer (we really need to get a laptop...hint...hint :) that David has been using a lot lately to be very productive (so I'm not at all complaining), I just haven't been able to devote the time I know it will take to get any blog posts together.
Ok, all excuses aside, I just wanted to let you all (however few of you that is now) know that we are still here and doing fine. With that being said, my intention over this next weekend is to spend some time on this blog and at least get 1 post written to kick off the Southern African Stories. David will be out of town on Saturday, so that should give me ample time to work on it. So now you have my word. I can't promise there will be pictures, but I do promise I will write a post this weekend, so stay tuned...
Level Up
5 weeks ago
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