We made it safely to South Africa. The plane trip wasn't too bad even thought it was really long. My family met us at the airport and we headed back to their house. We are staying in a cute little cottage on my uncle and aunt's property in a suburb of Johannesburg. So far we have been shopping a little at the mall and flea market, to church, to the lion park (where we got to pet baby lion cubs and see HUGE lions up close), to Montecasino (like the Venitian in Las Vegas), and into the heart of downtown Johannesburg (which is pretty run down and scary now) and we also went up the tallest building there to get a panoramic view of the whole city. I did get some great pictures, but I don't have time to post them now. We thought we would have more access to the internet, but unfortunately we don't. We are spending 1 more night here in South Africa, then tomorrow we are leaving for Swaziland (where my grandfather just moved to) from there we will take day trips to see some beautiful scenery and natural wonders and take a couple of real safaris. We are really looking forward to it. We've been having a great time so far visiting with family and seeing the sights of this city.
Sorry I don't have more time to write. I do have some great stories to tell and pictures to show, but they will have to wait until later.
Level Up
5 weeks ago
Glad to hear you had a good trip! Looking forward to those pictures when you get a chance, but I know how it is. Keep in touch, love ya!
Hi Sherry,
Great pics. Im actually on my way back from South Africa (Cape Town) biting my time at JFK until my DC flight. What a beautiful country it is!!!
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