Well, it's hard to believe that it's been over a year before I reached my 50th post. My goal this year is definitely to post more. I have had several random blog posts formulated in my head, but I really didn't think they were that "blog-worthy", so I haven't written them. And really the last 2 weekends in October were not all that "blog-worthy" either, but I felt like I had neglected my blog for too long, so it was time for a post, even if it's not all that exciting.
So I'll start with the 2nd to last weekend in October. On Friday October 24th David was invited to play in a charity pro-am golf tournament to raise money for the Triad Youth Golf Foundation (TYGF). He used to be involved in the foundation, teaching classes and giving lessons back when he worked as a Pro Golf Instructor. So it was nice for him to get to see all of the guys he used to work with again. He was paired up with Robert, his old college coach and former employer, and 2 other amateurs. They played pretty well. I'll let you go to his blog to read about all the details. But the end result is they finished fourth and still got a little prize for that. After the tournament, they had an awards dinner and silent auction for the golfers and families. So I joined David for that. The dinner wasn't anything special, but it was nice to meet his old coach and some of the people he used to spend a good bit of time with in the past. The awards were mostly for the kids that are a part of the TYGF, but they also gave out the 1st-4th place prizes before all that started. The prize David got was a $25 gift card to a nice local restaurant, The Village Tavern. Since we didn't have any plans for that Saturday, we decided we would have a "date night" and use the gift card. The dinner was really nice. We skipped the appetizers and just got two entrees and split a dessert. Afterwards we stopped by the video store to rent a movie, then went home to enjoy the rest of our "date night".
Oh this is worth mentioning - sorry I forgot on the day, but in between that weekend and the next, we celebrated my mother's birthday! David, Mom and Dad and I went out to O'Charlie's for dinner and a birthday celebration on Wednesday night (October 29th - her birthday). We had another good dinner and a great time.
Finally on to this past weekend. Again it wasn't all that exciting, but we did have a fun, relaxing weekend. On Friday evening (Halloween) I didn't want to be home in case kids came to the house trick-or-treating. I know, that's mean...but I didn't know how many (if any) would come and I didn't want to buy candy and then have to just eat it ourselves if no one came. So we planned to stay out all night. That evening we went shopping near the mall, then on to dinner at Bonefish Grill. We don't normally spend a lot of time on that side of town, so it had been a LONG while since we had been there for dinner. We left completely full and didn't even "technically" have a meal. We both got a cup of their spicy corn chowder with lump crab meat, and then split the best appetizer on the menu, the coconut fried shrimp with a tangy sweet citrus dipping sauce. And we finished that off with Creme Brulee for dessert. Mmmmm... After that we did a little more shopping, then on to the $2.50 movies for a hilarious comedy. We got in around 11pm...Mission accomplished! We both stayed out of the house the whole evening and had a great time!
Saturday morning I slept in. It was the 1st time in while that I was able to do that and it felt GREAT! Then I got up and went to the gym with David. We stayed around the house some, went shopping in town again, and then out to dinner at our favorite little Mexican restaurant. Like I said, nothing too exciting, but just a fun and relaxing weekend. I need some of those every once in a while. Now on to another busy, productive week...
Level Up
5 weeks ago
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