Monday, February 25, 2008


We have just had the 1st and probably last Dodge Bowl 2008 Championship with friends on our business team. We rented a gym, split up in 2 rather large teams, and each had jerseys made. We were the red team. Here's a great group shot of our team. I'm on the bottom left and David is right behind me.
After a little "giving of the jerseys" ceremony, the referee's lined the balls up in the middle and when the whistle blew, a few players from each team ran for the ball. I was never one of those people. My strategy was to stay behind someone and avoid all balls. Then only if one came by me, I would throw it or give it to a bigger, stronger guy to throw. That strategy worked well in the beginning, but... Never mind, I'm getting ahead of myself.

So here are the teams getting ready to run for the balls in the middle.
And here are a couple of action shots. (I'm # 2)

Here we are in full force, beating the other team. Notice, they only have 1 guy left.
Well, we were actually pretty evenly matched since we each won 4 games and had to end the match on a tie due to official injury. And guess who sustained that official injury? Yep, you guess it. ME! So my little strategy wasn't so effective when I was the only one left facing several highly competitive, strong guys on the opposing team.
We were all having a good time and I was doing great, dodging the ball like a pro, when it happened. All I remember is seeing this bright yellow ball come rocketing across the gym aiming directly for my face, and I couldn't throw my hands up or duck quick enough before, WHAM!!! It hit me smack in the middle of the face and I just cupped my hands over my face and fell to the ground. I won't go into all the details, but I did have a bloody nose and rather swollen lips. I had to spend the rest of the night icing my face on and off, and even some today as well. But hey, at least I didn't have to pay a fortune to get full, sexy lips for a few days :)

Here I am recovering. I am pleased to tell you that I am doing just fine - no broken nose or busted lips, just nice plump, fuller lips (and it doesn't even hurt anymore!)
Apart from the official injury that ended the game in a tie, we did have fun, and who knows, maybe there will be a tie breaker some other time, but I will be sitting in the stands for that one and cheering the red team on to a sure victory!


Rachel said...

Pretty funny story!! Sorry about your face, you didn't give us a picture of it? Did it turn all blue and bruised? Well, you'll have to put up with the "someone must have hit you" jokes for awhile, but it'll be gone soon!

Sherry said...

It actually didn't bruise - it just swelled up a little. I was rather fortunate for such a hard blow. Actually today it's pretty much back to normal.