Ok, so I know it has been a very looong while since I last posted anything. But I have lately been thinking a lot about my blog and the direction I wanted it to go. I really like what I had, but I felt a little too limited in what I posted. Plus I felt very obligated to have pictures with every post.
In many ways, I can be a bit of a perfectionist, so if I couldn't take the time to make a "perfect" post, I just put it off. But now since it's been nearly 2 months since the last post, I decided to change the focus. I will still post about the same type of things, as these are part of my journey, but I will also have a little bit more freedom to write about other things I encounter on this life journey.
The inspiration for the new title, look, and purpose came from a conversation my husband and I recently had. I was becoming a little bit discontent with the same-ness of this season of my life and was expressing to him the frustration that I felt like I was ready for a different season, a new chapter. I was wishing I were closer to the destination I had in mind, when he gently reminded me that our lives are not about reaching a destination, but about enjoying the journey. Of course I had heard that before, as you probably have, but for some reason this time it stuck with me and I have been pondering it for a while. I am making it a daily goal to be content with this part of my journey, however long it will be, while I'm on the way to the next season in my life. I will only live this day once, so today and forever I am just enjoying the journey.
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5 weeks ago