The coolest part of our trip by far was getting a chance to visit old friends of David’s family at one of their vacation homes in Bald Head Island. We left Kingston Plantation at noon, and headed down to the port at South Hill to meet up with Barbara and Buck. We parked our car in a lot there and went down to the marina with them. Now most people would have to carry their luggage and stand in line to board the ferry for a ½ hour ride across to the island, but we were able to go 1st class on Buck’s boat. We loaded our luggage in the compartment and took off ahead of the ferry, speeding over the choppy water. It was very windy, and we got sprayed a little from the sea, but it was WONDERFUL! I love boats, and I love adventures, and we were about to start another one.

We pulled into the harbor and right into the boat slip directly in front of their house. The whole area had a quaint, Cape Cod feel and was very charming. We unloaded our things and all got on the little golf cart headed to the other side of the harbor for a late lunch. It’s so cool that no one has cars on the island, but there are roads. They are just narrower because

you go everywhere in either a golf cart or on a bicycle. After lunch, David went off with Buck to play golf, and I took a quick nap before heading out in the other golf cart with Barbara for a quick tour of the island.
That evening we went back to the little restaurant on the harbor and since it was rather cool out, we all had a big bowl of delicious seafood chowder and calamari. When we got back to their house, we talked a little while, then headed off to bed for an early night.

After our little jaunt around the island, we ate lunch and rested a while before packing up and heading out. Once we got back to our car, we had to come right by Wilmington to get home, so we stopped there as well to have dinner with Doug, David’s brother. All in all it was a wonderful trip. We certainly had a blast on our island adventure and we now have a new dream to have our second home on BHI some day.